
Since the Texas Commission on Community College Finance last met in April, members have continued meeting in workgroups and the Chair, Woody Hunt, released a working draft of key principles for consideration:

  1. Funding should be based on outcomes and promote improvement by each college
  2. Bolster workforce development and promote credentials of value to individuals aligned with regional workforce needs
  3. Ensure access to educational opportunities and encourage cross-institutional collaborations in the delivery of programs, including shared academic and workforce education programs
  4. Affordability should be high priority and funding should recognize variations in costs of supporting students from diverse backgrounds

Joined by special guests from the Texas Community College Student Advisory Council, The Education Trust in Texas and Young Invincibles share highlights and anticipated next steps from the Commission’s June meeting. Get more informed and engaged as workgroups begin drafting formal recommendations to be presented in September. Download the slides and follow along.

Catch Up on All the Recaps