Press Release

July 27, 2023 


Senate Labor-H Funding Proposal Moves the Ball Forward 

Statement fromAugustus Mays, Vice President for Partnerships and Engagement of The Education Trust, on the Fiscal Year 2024 Senate Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Bill 

WASHINGTON —  “The Senate Labor-HHS-Education bill reported favorably out of the Senate Appropriations Committee today is a necessary compromise given the parameters set by the debt ceiling deal earlier this year. The bill increases funding for keystone educational programs such as Title I and the Pell Grant, alongside additional investments in early childhood education, programs designed to strengthen and diversify the nation’s educator workforce, and other K-12 educational programs.  

“While we appreciate the avoidance of destructive cuts like those contained in the House proposal, the negative impact of not increasing the overall investment in our education system will be felt the most by Black, Latino, and Native students, and students from low-income backgrounds. The Education Trust urges Congress to work toward increasing educational investments in a final spending deal in the coming months.”